Monday, March 3, 2008


Hi S53, here's a short update of life in VJ.

So common tests are here, all the way till Thursday. V47 for GP(V48 for KI); LT1 for Econs; Hall R10 for Phys; V47 for Maths; LT4 for Lit, and that's all our papers left :) Study for your papers and do well for them. Mr Chow will give us his different faces when we get our results. So good luck!

JTS is over and for those who went, pls pay $4. Daryl has depleted his account to $0.83, so pls do pay up. I know some people will treat these words as transparent, ya, but pls do pay up. Yes, we all say it's JTS and we shouldn't be paying, but they're still treating us right? Just that it's not a full treat... JTSF?

Holidays are coming in a weeks' time, and since CTs are over, we should have class outing right? I recall the last class outing where some ppl urged me to organise a reunion dinner. In the end, 8 guys turned up and we had a great meal at Manhattan Fish Market. Whee, we really need more enthusiasm from the class! Class outing or dinner in the holidays should be fine right?

Feeling Fab is coming up, so embrace yourselves for some fun! Teck Yeow and Jia Hui will have their hands all over each other >.<

Some class gossips...
In an unreserved manner, Xi Jing declared his liking for Clara to the class during GP lesson, with Mr Liew playing quite a part in bringing them together by uttering some words.
Our beloved "cute and innocent" CT Rep Eugene, has taken an emotional plunge, and is on a roller coaster mood ride, suspected to be caused by some girl(s) with a great voice. He was recalled to be sitting next to a girl and behaving intimately during Miss Meta's chem tutorial.
Han En has declared his affections for a girl while playing Mahjong, especially obvious when he keeps drawing the 1 Flowers and getting lots of tai for himself.
Teck Yeow has got better and sharper at giving people nicknames, namely Weasel, Fish and Jurassic Park. To find out who, or your own nickname, pls contact Tecky.
Jia Hui is loved :)
Daryl is dejected :(
Zhi Han has just posted.

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